Bar King

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BKR Llamas
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Bar King Ranch

Why llamas?
  In 1995 my husband and I were looking for guardian animals for a small flock of rare breed sheep.  We wanted something quiet, efficient, friendly to people, and easy to maneuver on a small ranch.  Llamas!
 After purchasing one male as a guardian, we were hooked…… like potato chips, we couldn’t have just one!  Soon, the sheep left and the llamas moved in. Since that time we have strived to purchase and produce only show quality, silky fibered animals with a pet llama personality. We aim for beauty and brains in one package!
 Bar King Ranch is located in Kaufman County, southeast of Dallas, Texas. We are a small ranch dedicated to raising llamas, as well as our own coastal hay. We also have five dogs, hence the name "bar king"... get it? We love to talk llamas, and visitors by appointment are welcome.